PDF⋙ Chasing Churchill: The Travels of Winston Churchill by Celia Sandys

Chasing Churchill: The Travels of Winston Churchill by Celia Sandys

Chasing Churchill: The Travels of Winston Churchill

Chasing Churchill: The Travels of Winston Churchill by Celia Sandys PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Sir Winston Churchill was a well-traveled man. By the time he was twenty-five, his thirst for adventure had taken him to Cuba, India’s North-West Frontier, the Sudan, and South Africa, as well as to battle, prison, and worldwide fame. During World War II, when as prime minister he held Britain’s destiny in his hands, he hazarded arduous journeys not only to confer face-to-face with his allies Roosevelt and Stalin, but also to witness firsthand the action at the front. In later years, his enduring passion for painting prompted travels to locales like Marrakech. (He took President Roosevelt there in 1943, simply to view a splendid sunset.) Celia Sandys actually accompanied her famous grandfather on some of his later travels, most memorably on a cruise aboard Aristotle Onassis’s yacht Christina, but for this always engaging book she herself has retraced his many journeys on four continents and sought out the people who knew, entertained, consulted, or simply crossed paths with him. And in numerous photographs and their long-untold stories she finds her grandfather’s character illuminated in new, unexpected, and often surprising ways.

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