PDF⋙ Early Jewish Exegesis and Theological Controversy (Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, Volume 2) by Isaac Kalimi
Early Jewish Exegesis and Theological Controversy (Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, Volume 2) by Isaac Kalimi
Early Jewish Exegesis and Theological Controversy (Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, Volume 2) by Isaac Kalimi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The book is an important study on aspects of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament theology, the reception of biblical texts in Judaism and Christianity; the Aqedah, and related topics. The book comprises three main parts: a) the Aqedah and the Temple, b) Biblical Texts in Polemical Contexts, and c) Biblical Theology, Judaism and Christianity. Although each part deals with a specifically defined topic, all are linked by some common themes: all the sections discuss early Jewish exegesis, namely the interpretation of early Scriptures in late biblical literature, in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, in Jewish-Hellenistic writings, in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and in a variety of Rabbinic sources, essentially the Targumim an Midrashim. Each chapter of the book covers theological controversies, either among the Jewish groups themselves, and/or between Judaism and other religious denominations, especially Christianity.From reader reviews:
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