YOUNG ING by Dr. Evelyn Katz
YOUNG ING by Dr. Evelyn Katz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Young Ing is the story of a woman who refuses to grow old opting for the view that psychological age is infinitely more powerful than chronological age. This view goes head to head with the strong cultural view that physical and mental decline are absolutely associated with chronological age so we should think of retiring at age 60. So strong is this take, that an 80th birthday can overnight turn an active person into one who believes they can do nothing. Not surprising that Young has to learn how to effectively handle a negative feedback and buck stereotypes on aging. The book is written in whimsical limericks which have the power to lift your spirits and make you want to just keep on grinning. So it makes an ideal gift for anyone who wants or needs encouragement around feeling young at heart and feeling good about where they are right now, while they’re learning to prioritize their feelings of well-being.From reader reviews:
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