PDF⋙ Cowgirl Spirit: Stong Women, Solid Friendships, and Stories from the Frontier by Mimi Kirk

Cowgirl Spirit: Stong Women, Solid Friendships, and Stories from the Frontier by Mimi Kirk

Cowgirl Spirit: Stong Women, Solid Friendships, and Stories from the Frontier

Cowgirl Spirit: Stong Women, Solid Friendships, and Stories from the Frontier by Mimi Kirk PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Cowgirls are the unsung heroines of the Wild West, and their grit and determination, verve and good spirits are legendary. Modern day cowgirls know just what they mean when they say:

"I wonder how many more times I'm going to fall for the same kind of cowboy." –Bell Floyd, 1900

"The way to avoid housework is to live outside." –Sandra Blacksmith, 1901

"If a man had to give birth, he'd be a more considerate person." –Ma Robertson, 1901

With a mix of hundreds of quotations from the actual women who tamed the West, striking historical photographs, and fascinating stories from the frontier, Cowgirl Spirit is bound to bring out the power, independence, wisdom and spunk in every woman.

Author has appeared on CBS Good Morning and in Self, Jane, Allure, USA Today, LA Times, and The Washington Post

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