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Pinch Hit by Tim Green

Pinch Hit

Pinch Hit by Tim Green PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Trevor and Sam look alike.

But their lives couldn't be more different.

Trevor is a movie star, living the Hollywood life. He has everything he could ever want. Everything, that is, except the one thing he wants most: to play baseball for real.

Sam is a regular kid who could have what it takes to make it to baseball's Major Leagues. He's determined to get scouts at the big USC tournament to recognize his talent. And he really wants to see his dad, a struggling screenwriter, realize his own dream.

When Sam signs up at Casting Central to make some extra money, he and Trevor come together on a movie set and see the chance to trade places—to pinch hit for each other and make everyone's dreams come true.

At first, it's all good. . . . But what happens when the boys take their game too far?

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