Best Hikes With Kids: Western Washington & the Cascades by Joan Burton, Ira Spring
Best Hikes With Kids: Western Washington & the Cascades by Joan Burton, Ira Spring PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The first of a new series that updates our popular family guides, combining new material and features, in a handy user-friendly format. • Nearly 200 hikes suitable for families with children, seniors, and anyone looking for an easy, yet rewarding adventure •Graphic, two-color layout provides key data at a glance •Includes environmental closeups on the trail to engage kids in the natural world Joan Burton has always selected hikes for maximum kid appeal. It’s not only that many are short—starting from just half a mile—with "turnarounds" clearly identified (turnarounds are places where tired families can cut their hikes short yet still have a satisfying outing), but Burton tells where your kids can hop around in the spray of a waterfall, find out about bat caves, talk with a fire watcher and examine the Osborne fire finder, or peer into a dark, abandoned railroad tunnel and listen to the hollow sounding echoes down its length.This book combines Best Hikes with Children in Western Washington, Volumes 1 and 2, with loads of new material and an easy-to-use new format that is smaller for greater portability. Hike write-ups have been graphically designed to highlight essential data at a glance, not only by use of the "About the Hike" and "Before You Go" information blocks but also by extensive use of icons in the margins to note type of hike (day hike or backpack trip), difficulty for children, hikeable seasons, and more.
Seattle resident JOAN BURTON was herself introduced to hiking as a child, and she has been involved in introducing not only her own children to the joys of outdooring, but also members of the Girl Scout and Cub Scout groups of which she was the leader.
"The definitive guide for hiking parents who want to take their children along."
—Seattle’s Child
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