Buttons of the Canadian Militia: Army, Naval, and Air Force, 1900-1990 by Eric Smylie
Buttons of the Canadian Militia: Army, Naval, and Air Force, 1900-1990 by Eric Smylie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
For collectors and enthusiasts, this book provides a look into an area of military collecting that is largely undocumented. Though medals awarded to Canadians and the badges of the Canadian armed forces have long been collected and valued, the field of Canadian military button collecting has been long overlooked, and available books and publications on this subject are virtually non-existent.With a view to rectifying this situation, Eric Smylie traces the history of the military button from the late nineteenth century to the last decade of the twentieth. Included are buttons from General Service, the Corps, the Mounted and Foot Regiments Overseas Service Battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Naval and Air Services, and the Newfoundland Forces.
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