PDF⋙ Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence-Based and Promising Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence-Based and Promising Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence-Based and Promising Interventions

Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adolescents and Adults: Evidence-Based and Promising Interventions PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Bringing together leading experts, this book presents effective practices for helping people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) to thrive in adulthood. As individuals with ASD mature, their needs change as well. The book reviews the growing research base and describes ways to support adolescents and adults in succeeding in higher education and work, living independently, enjoying leisure activities, navigating meaningful personal relationships, and more. Specific behavioral and instructional interventions--such as functional communication training, positive behavior support, and applied behavior analysis--are discussed. Case examples illustrate practical aspects of applying the strategies in real-world school and community settings.

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