PDF⋙ Microsoft Powerpoint 2010: Instructor's Guide (Benchmark Series) by Nita Rutkosky, Audrey Rutkosky Roggenkamp

Microsoft Powerpoint 2010: Instructor's Guide (Benchmark Series) by Nita Rutkosky, Audrey Rutkosky Roggenkamp

Microsoft Powerpoint 2010: Instructor's Guide (Benchmark Series)

Microsoft Powerpoint 2010: Instructor's Guide (Benchmark Series) by Nita Rutkosky, Audrey Rutkosky Roggenkamp PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Paradigm's new Benchmark Series: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, students build mastery skills in the PowerPoint 2010, Its project-based approach creates a realistic context for learning practical skills.* Teaches key skills for using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8* Mentoring instructional style guides students step-by-step in designing and creating effective slide shows that inform and motivate audiences.* Case study assessments at chapter and unit levels test students' abilities to solve problems independently.* This text aligns to the Microsoft Office Specialist objectives.

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Microsoft Powerpoint 2010: Instructor's Guide (Benchmark Series) by Nita Rutkosky, Audrey Rutkosky Roggenkamp EPub
