Optics by W. H. A. Fincham, M. H. Freeman
Optics by W. H. A. Fincham, M. H. Freeman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Optics: Ninth EditionOptics: Ninth Edition covers the work necessary for the specialization in such subjects as ophthalmic optics, optical instruments and lens design.
The text includes topics such as the propagation and behavior of light; reflection and refraction – their laws and how different media affect them; lenses – thick and thin, cylindrical and subcylindrical; photometry; dispersion and color; interference; and polarization. Also included are topics such as diffraction and holography; the limitation of beams in optical systems and its effects; and lens systems.
The book is recommended for engineering students who are in need of an introduction to the subject and the mathematics involved in it.
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