PDF⋙ Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain by Imogen Tyler

Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain by Imogen Tyler

Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain

Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain by Imogen Tyler PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Revolting Subjects is a ground-breaking account of social abjection in contemporary Britain. Focusing on citizenship, social class and migrant illegality and utilizing a number of high-profile case studies, it details the abject forms of injustice which neoliberal social and economic policies effect. Throughout, Revolting Subjects reveals the pivotal role of media systems in procuring public consent for forms of government that corrode democracy. Tyler argues for a deeper psycho-social understanding of the impact of stereotyping and scapegoating whilst also revealing how counter-representational strategies can be a creative resource for resistance.

Imaginative and original, Revolting Subjects introduces a range of new insights into neoliberal societies, and will be essential reading for those concerned about widening inequalities and social justice in the wider global context.

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