PDF⋙ Case Review: Head and Neck Imaging by David M. Yousem MD MBA

Case Review: Head and Neck Imaging by David M. Yousem MD MBA

Case Review: Head and Neck Imaging

Case Review: Head and Neck Imaging by David M. Yousem MD MBA PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This is the first volume in the new Case Review series that will present volumes in each of the radiologic subspecialty areas. It will serve as an excellent exam prep tool or skill sharpening tool for residents and general radiologists. This first text teaches head and neck imaging, incorporating an excellent case selection for sharpening diagnostic skills in this challenging subspecialty. Two hundred carefully selected cases and 348 state-of-the-art images are presented as unknowns with four questions, four answers, detailed commentary, selected helpful references, and a cross-reference to the appropriate THE REQUISITES volume. Note-taking space is available for each case. Cases are randomly organized, but grouped by level of difficulty. Excellent for honing skills and building confidence!

* Presents at-a-glance review of head and neck cases that can prepare the reader for the Board/CAQ exam. * Allows reader self-testing, subsequent learning and preparation to succeed in exam settings and practice settings by mimicking official exam formats. * Features 350 state-of-the-art images that effectively complement the text and provide a clear picture of what the reader can expect on exams. * Written by an experienced author and teacher to focus on cases relevant for exam environment. * Incorporates cross-references to NEURORADIOLOGY: THE REQUISITES to direct the reader to further detailed information. * Consistently follows the same format for each case.

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