Haiku-Flowers in the Grass by Dale Hanson
Haiku-Flowers in the Grass by Dale Hanson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In haiku, Dale has expressed his artistic talent in perhaps the most disciplined of written forms. With great economy of words, the writer of haiku is challenged to express concepts and insight as seen in everyday observations. In his work, Dale skillfully points out from the commonplace that which one may have missed and then makes application to life.
"A Green Beret warrior with whom I served, Dale Hanson has truly lived the Way of the Samurai. His Haiku verses offer metaphoric glimpses, brilliant momentary visions that flashed in my mind like summer lightning. Sometimes profound, sometimes whimsical but always insightful, he has written vivid images as masterfully as Japan's classic warriors." --Major John L. Plaster, U.S. Army Special Forces (retired)
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