Ocean Sunlight: How Tiny Plants Feed the Seas by Molly Bang, Penny Chisholm
Ocean Sunlight: How Tiny Plants Feed the Seas by Molly Bang, Penny Chisholm PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Acclaimed Caldecott artist Molly Bang paints a stunning, sweeping view of our ever-changing oceans.
In this timely book, award-winner Molly Bang uses her signature poetic language and dazzling illustrations to introduce the oceanic world. From tiny aquatic plants to the biggest whale or fish, Bang presents a moving, living picture of the miraculous balance sustaining each life cycle and food chain deep within our wondrous oceans.
On land or in the deep blue sea, we are all connected--and we are all a part of a grand living landscape. Co-authored by award-winning M.I.T. professor Penny Chisholm, a leading expert on ocean science, OCEAN SUNLIGHT is packed with clear, simple science. This informative, joyous book will help children understand and celebrate the astonishing role our oceans play in human life.
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